HackerNoon Business Blogging: An Overview

Our Accreditation as Advertisement Philosophy allows you to disclose vested interest while writing interesting stories.

Our Accreditation as Advertisement Philosophy allows you to disclose vested interest while writing interesting stories.


Stories are written by humans and the default HackerNoon author bio is for a human. If you want the story to be authored by your business (accreditation, validation, logo on page), there is a fee for that.

There are exceptions to business blogging fees, such as pseudonyms (that are not also registered businesses), media company partners and technology nonprofits (pitch us at partners@hackernoon.com).

Learn more about our Accreditation as Advertisement Philosophy.

What is HackerNoon Business Blogging?

Businesses pay to publish on Hacker Noon. The author bio is prime real estate for 140 characters about the company, 5 social profile links and one very prominent call to action linked to anywhere sensical on the interwebs. Who qualifies as a brand:

  1. Companies, organizations, and for profit associations writing about their products or services.

  2. Stories with a Brand logo as profile picture

  3. Stories with a featured image that has a company logo/watermark

  4. Profiles that are connected to a Brand’s one or more social media accounts

Check out the list of the first 100 business bloggers on HackerNoon.

How to Create A Business Blogging Account?

Such stories need to perform the following steps to be considered for editorial review by our Editors

  1. Create an account with the company name as the account handle

  2. Add company name as the display name

  3. Add company logo as the profile picture

  4. Add company tagline as the profile bio

  5. Utilize the Writer Ad to link to a company asset (homepage, newsletter signup, ebook, software demo, whatever)

  6. Go to your brand dashboard.

  7. Purchase Brand As Author credits at the brand dashboard.

Once the above steps are completed, the Brand can:

  • Create a new draft at app.hackernoon.com/new

  • Click on 'Submit Story for Review'

  • A tech editor will spend 10-30 minutes reviewing and improving your blog post within 3 business days.

  • If accepted for publication, you will receive an email with the live story link, and more information about it's curation and readership.

  • Visit your blogging dashboard to manage your story drafts.

  • Keep up to date on your content's performance via the stats page

  • Purchase more credits at app.hackernoon.com/brand

Couple #protips for improving your blog post:

Closing Notes

Following the above steps is not a guarantee that your story will be published. Each story will go through editorial review and if there are some changes suggested by the editor, the contributing brand shall comply with it and/or provide a clarification. If the story is rejected (common reasons why), the brand will be eligible for a refund.

If the story is published, one credit will be deducted from the Brand's account. If the Brand does not have at least one credit in their account, the Editor will notify the Brand that at least 1 credit needs to be purchased to continue.

Storytelling is an ongoing battle. Consistent publishing will yield better readership. If brands buy 12 credits (monthly publishing), they get 25% discount per post, and if the buy 52 credits (weekly publishing), they get 50% discount per post. All credits last two years from purchase date.

Additional, an account manager will provide you will a custom monthly report about your story/stories impressions, engagements, rankings and readership.

Join our Business Blogging Program today.

Read more in Accreditation as Advertisement . You can also speak with us about the Business Blogging Program by emailing Partners@HackerNoon.com.


4000+ Tech Companies Publish with HackerNoon's Business Publishing Program


How to Post an Ad on Hacker Noon